Broken Foot

Broken Foot

Still Tri-ing:

What Does a Triathlete Do After He Breaks His Foot?
see the sequel

  1. Can not run, hard to find a running shoe that a cast will fit into.
  2. Can not bike, cast will not clip into pedals.
  3. Can not swim, cast does not make a good floatation device.
  4. Can eats lots of donuts, call it carboloading for 2 months.
  5. Can watch all the TV shows that come on during regular training hours.
  6. Can save on washing clothes, dirty one less sock per day.
  7. Can improve on ability of getting in and out of bathtub with one leg up.
  8. Can lose that tan under the cast.
  9. Can learn to scratch under cst with a coat hanger without poking oneself.
  10. Can learn new meaning of couch potato.
  11. Can make use of old pants, have to slit open to fit cast through.
  12. Can get out of mowing yard and other outside chores.
  13. Can learn to fold laundry.
  14. Can learn to go downstairs, if I make it upstairs.
  15. Can get remote control thumb syndome.
  16. Can get the whole couch to myself.
  17. Can get spouse mad at you, if you kick her with the cast during sleep.
  18. Can get other leg sore by kicking with cast during sleep.
  19. Can walk at same easy pace as the older generation.
  20. Can easily play the part of the peg-legged pirate during Halloween.
  21. Can easily master the walk of the Mummy.
  22. Can get cold toes, they stick out.
  23. Can get dropped off closer to entrances.
  24. Can lift weights, other than the Little Debbie Cakes.
  25. Workouts? Can not do anything else.

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