Broken Foot
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Still Tri-ing:
What Does a Triathlete Do After He Breaks His Foot?
see the sequel
- Can not run, hard to find a running shoe that a cast will fit into.
- Can not bike, cast will not clip into pedals.
- Can not swim, cast does not make a good floatation device.
- Can eats lots of donuts, call it carboloading for 2 months.
- Can watch all the TV shows that come on during regular training hours.
- Can save on washing clothes, dirty one less sock per day.
- Can improve on ability of getting in and out of bathtub with one leg up.
- Can lose that tan under the cast.
- Can learn to scratch under cst with a coat hanger without poking oneself.
- Can learn new meaning of couch potato.
- Can make use of old pants, have to slit open to fit cast through.
- Can get out of mowing yard and other outside chores.
- Can learn to fold laundry.
- Can learn to go downstairs, if I make it upstairs.
- Can get remote control thumb syndome.
- Can get the whole couch to myself.
- Can get spouse mad at you, if you kick her with the cast during sleep.
- Can get other leg sore by kicking with cast during sleep.
- Can walk at same easy pace as the older generation.
- Can easily play the part of the peg-legged pirate during Halloween.
- Can easily master the walk of the Mummy.
- Can get cold toes, they stick out.
- Can get dropped off closer to entrances.
- Can lift weights, other than the Little Debbie Cakes.
- Workouts? Can not do anything else.
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