USCF District Rep
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Norman Nolan Named USCF District Rep. for La.
Date: 14 Aug 1998
As many of you know I have decided to become the district rep. I am
just now announcing it because it has not been official until today.
I am happy to get a chance to help LA cycling become what I feel it
should be.
Some of the changes that I will work for is more races, better organized
racing year, and trying to make the races an inviting place for friends
to get together and have a good time. What Jon Anderson has done with
the district RR is a perfect example of making the race more than just a
race but a place for your wife, girlfriend, husband or kids to hang out,
have a good time and get to enjoy being with you while you are cycling.
I will be prompt and responsible in my activities as District Rep. Some
of the things that will help me to do this is:
1. Please contact me via e-mail ([email protected]) first and if a
follow up call is needed please give me a time and phone number.
2. Please mail all of you license upgrades to my office at 500
Laurel St, Suite 501 Baton Rouge, LA 70801along with your results for
the last two years, and a SASE and I will return them promptly. This is
such a better way than approaching me at a race – where I have 200 other
things going on and I am likely to forget or misplace you license.
3. Please try to cut out the foolishness of bickering over the
little things like cursing or spitting. I am assuming we are all adults
and should handle these types of problems among ourselves and only if
you intend to file some suit with the USCF against another cyclist
should I be notified.
I am very open to suggestions on how to improve LA cycling. Please send
them to me via e-mail.
A suggestion that Jon Anderson gave to me is a meeting of Event
Promoters/team Presidents/officials/Heads of team/all interested cyclist
for all of LA. This meeting will be in the third weekend in October
after the Baton Rouge Cycling Fall Century. Everyone who is interested
in LA cycling is invited. We will discuss:
1. District RR, TT, TTT, Crit, Track—dates, locations, new ideas
2. Club Sponsored Races—dates, locations, new ideas, sponsors who
may be interested
3. Track Series- Dates
4. Getting the North LA riders more involved along with the
orgainizing of a RR around the Rouston Area
5. Time Trial Series– One in BR,NO,LAF,Rouston
6. Any other ideas that come up.
We will definitely walk away from this meeting with the racing year
planned out and ready to start organizing these events.
Please feel free to e-mail me with any ideas, questions, concerns or
comments and I hope everyone shows up to this weeks time trial, next
weeks track races (Points Race, Match Sprints, Team Pursuit), and The
District RR.
See Yall on the Road,
Norman Nolan
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